
Creative Crown molding blog:
July 6 ,2013
There are all kinds of crown moldings available today. They are made of many different materials
such as foam, wood, plaster, polyurethane, plastic and MDF.

Foam crown moldings are becoming the first choice of many consumers due to the ease of
installation, miter cutting, a good quality looking finish and they are inexpensive.

Creative Crown "MOLDED" foam crown moldings are all new to the United States.
Actually the first to be Made in North America. (patented)

They are made of a light weight high density polystyrene material with a smooth no bead look.
They are an Easy Crown Molding to install. They can be install by a pro,DIY or beginner.
It's such a Simple crown molding to install with just painters caulk.
Our foam crown moldings only require one coat of a water-based paint to have a good smooth finish.
They give you you such a nice Inviting Home appeal to your home.
Foam crown moldings add a Focal Point to any room.

Many people tell us that they Wish I Had That nice finished look in their home.
Creative Crown is the Decorators Hub for American made foam crown moldings.
Creative Crown molding has all of the Crown Molding Solutions for any crown molding project.

We have a style and matching sizes for every ceiling height.
We recently visited a customer with an older home full of old crown moldings.
It looked like a historical Architectural Depot with crown moldings from the past.

They installed our foam crown moldings in This Old House and looked great.
The home owner saved a lot of money and added value to their home.
August 19 2013 Are MDF crown moldings safe?

Here is a little information about mdf moldings that concerning. Here are the links and some comments
that people have made.

69)�I just bought a little dresser, nightstand and headboard for my three year old's small room. It is made of MDF and when it arrived it was labeled formaldehyde phase 2. The smell is strong and burns my throat.One piece seemed strong but we can't use the drawers. With all three in there, the room smelled toxic

58)�The time taken to put on safety masks and gloves will likely cramp your creativity. Most people have a low immune system, and so always reach out for all kinds protective gear in any situation.

57)�MDF: "Friendly on the environment"? Not really. Folks, real wood will naturally decay over time into valuable nutrients for organisms on the forest floor. MDF is made using a synthetic chemical concoction including formaldehyde, a carcinogen. All of the inappropriate chemicals introduced into the atmosphere may be the leading cause of cancers. Off-gassing of products in homes and buildings is only hitting the radar in N.America of recent time.
Be careful what you purchase and install in your living space. Think twice about MDF. 7)�MDF contains formaldehyde so yes it can be toxic and yes it can give off gas. I've heard that the amount of gas given off is actually large, not small as one poster on this discussion said. Also, there are more cons to MDF. It can snap like dry twigs, which properly cured wood never does. It is also not true that it is more environmentally safe. Yes it uses scrap lumber, but it binds it with resin, which has formaldehyde in it. Give me wood any day.
From contributor B:
I've installed miles of it. Unfortunately, I've never had any problems with it. Yes, it's not very forgiving. Get it wet, fail to use the right fasteners, fail to care for nail holes properly, etc., and you'll be sorry you used it. But used correctly, it paints out very nicely, I'm sorry to say, and it's inexpensive, which makes it even worse - meaning we'll be seeing more and more of it, which is too bad because I hate the stuff. The dust is terrible, it's not like working with wood (which is fun), some of it is heavy, etc.
From contributor C:
I agree with Contributor B here. I hate it with a passion and avoid it like the plague. It's heavy, it smells, etc. It is though undeniably inexpensive and it paints very well. I guess on some level you could consider it recycling too. The new waterproof "Extira" product is proof positive that it's here to stay. I don't see it in many of the high-end homes we work in, to me it screams "cheap." But that will likely change too. I'm not resistant to change - I just don't like to try new things.
From contributor D:
I've recently trimmed a few houses with MDF and there certainly are some advantages to it, but I've also gone home those days with blood in my nose. I can't believe that's a good thing.

From contributor B: To contributor E: I've never had that kind of problem happen. Most problems are caused when the painters treat the MDF as if it's wood - fill it first, sand it, then paint it. Because the skin is denser than the core,nail hole leave little pimples or eruptions on the surface that must be cut off with a sharp knife or chisel, then sanded, then filled, then sanded. Otherwise, all the nail holes will photograph right through the paint, every single one.
But because of the many nails needed for nailing base, crown and casing, the puckering problem becomes an issue and people refuse to use it and think all MDF is this way. This stuff is so dense that if you try nailing it with a nail gun, the nails will sometimes curl up and not penetrate. And if the nail does penetrate, you will most assuredly get puckering.
Bottom line - MDF has earned its place in the building industry and is definitely is here to stay. After working with it for awhile, you learn what it can and can't do as well as how to work with it. I have become accustomed to working with it and actually prefer it over wood for most applications. But it is not the be all, end all product. Something else will come along in the future and we will be saying, remember when we used to have real MDF to work with? Give Creative Crown Foam crown moldings a try!. Comment from contributor H: MDF is a builders dream, it allows them to squeeze every last penny out of a home. I work on homes that are owned by people who also own homes in Martha�s Vineyard, Nantucket, and the Hamptons. The only instance in which MDF has ever been used or spec'd by an architect is with custom designed paneling, or large surface areas that need the stability that sheet MDF offers over wood. MDF has never been used in these homes as trim.
As a 20 year professional carpenter, and a business owner I have seen the decline of the home building industry, by way of cheaper products such as MDF, which do nothing but unjustly rob the customer of their hard earned equity in the name of profits for so-called "custom builders" (first time home or not).
I would never recommend the use of this product as trim and would be wary of anyone claiming to be a high end or custom builder that does use it. I am all about being green, so why not re-use some of the trim from the old homes these money hungry builders are tearing down to put up cookie cutter homes.
Email us you comments to be posted.

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